RYAN is a lash technician living in New York. In recent years the content creator has taken the internet by storm with his extravagantly long nails. His nails are always 4-5 inches long and he only ever cuts them to get a new set. He told Hooked on the Look: "I've spent over $50,000 on my nails. People say my nails are hideous but I'm obsessed with them." His nail appointments take up to 8 hours and often cost $1,000, which he has every 2-4 weeks. After showing TikTok how he cleans, eats meals and works as a lash tech in the city with his ultra-long talons, Ryan went viral. Since then he's gained thousands of followers wanting to see each set, but also a lot of haters... "Everyone [is] just outraged at the fact that boys had long nails," he explained. Ryan read out some of the comments that his nails have garnered, such as "Why is everybody being gay", "This is fatherless activity", "Edward Scissorhands", and "It's overpriced garbage". But for Ryan, the artistry and self-expression that his nails bring him, outweigh what others think. "Don't let anybody bring you down, otherwise you are living for other people and that's not okay. You've got to be happy as well."
Follow Ryan on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube here -
Videographer - Kevin Huang
Senior producer - Yasmin Walker
Casting producer - Isley Coley-Walker
Video producer - Kate Moore
Editor - Garry Sykes
Production coordinator - Magda Ceron